Friday, 27 April 2012

Final Idea

'The animation will show a scrapbook about someones life. Pages will flick past and signify moments of our male protagonist's life will play. The camera will zoom on a still image in the scrapbook, and then the image will animate. At the point when the scrapbook gets to the higher age of our target audience, the page will turn over and the next page will be empty. This is to represent the audience filling in this page for themselves, so they will add something significant to the scrapbook. 
The scrapbook will be filled with quotes. The animation will start with a quote that will be decided at a later date, and this quote will get the audience thinking at the beginning, and hopefully be inspired throughout the animation. The quote will be overlaying on the torso of a lady, it will then animate into a ball then into a sperm, and then go into the belly button of the woman. The screen will then go black, and an ultra scan will develop. The camera will then zoom out to show the picture in the scrapbook. The animation will tell the story of an ideal life of a man, and will mainly focus on the travelling in his early 20s. A question will be asked at the end to ask what they are going to do next.'

This is a synopsis of our final idea. Once this was decided each member of our group was given tasks to complete in order for our idea to go ahead. We have started to paint up some backgrounds, the backgrounds are supposed to create a mood that the audience will be able to recognise. Anything extra that will appear in each scene will be separate on card and placed on the backgrounds so we are able to move them around. For example a grey-ish background may represent feeling gloomy, sad or upset. If we wanted anything else on the background like rain, we would make each rain drop separate to animate them falling down. When our character is a baby we decided we'd have a yellow background, as it's a bright glowing colour, with other bright colours we will create children's playing blocks.

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